We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us.” (Romans 12:6)
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are selected by the pastor and undergo training to be sure that the consecrated species are handled with appropriate reverence. Eucharistic ministers distribute Holy Communion during Mass and may also bring it to members of the congregation who are home bound.
Lectors must strongly believe in the Word of God that they are proclaiming. It is a sacred duty that involves a sharing of one’s own faith and requires adequate preparation as proclaiming sacred scripture is different from other kinds of public speaking. Not only do lectors need to be effective communicators, they also need to absorb and express the spirit of the liturgy.
Sacristans are responsible for setting up for each Mass. They help maintain the vestments and anything else needed for the celebration, including books, cruets, chalices and communion cups, linens, processional crosses, wine, hosts, and candles. The sacristan ensures that the things necessary for worship are always available and in good order.
Altar servers are people of faith, either children who have received their first communion or adults, who are trained to assist the priest in the celebration of the Mass.
Musicians, serving either as cantors, instrumentalists, or vocalists, help select appropriate hymns that will reinforce the message of the readings in the Mass. They rehearse regularly and provide music for liturgies. Music ministers do not perform but rather help to enrich worship and lead the congregation in songs that enhance the liturgy.
Ushers, also called ministers of hospitality, help greet and seat parishioners, pass around baskets for the collection, and assist with bringing up the gifts during offertory. They are crucial to making sure the services run smoothly and that everyone in the congregation feels welcomed into the Church.
Fellowship committee members provide refreshments at various parish events and deliver hospitality in support of other ministries.
Religious education instructors prepare children of the parish for the sacraments and give them continued teaching about the church and their faith through the school year. They also assist in adult education through Bible study and leading RICA classes. Religious education instructors are instrumental in assuring the future of our Church.
Church decorators maintain the decor of the worship space according to the season, enhancing the faith experience.
If you are interested in more information about any of these ministries or would like to participate in any of the above, please contact Fr. Bernard.